meet columbus ohio's photographer

columbus ohio photographer
Bethany Woodruff, Whispy Shades Photography

Hi! My name is Bethany Woodruff! I invite you to come to the “farm”, situated off the main road and a couple of minute drive into the sunset. I started my love of photography when I was a little girl. I was always taking photos of my cats, dogs, and cows…basically any animal or bug I could find. Then I would save the money that I made working on the farm to develop my 110 films. How many of you remember those cameras?! The excitement that I had when my week was up and I got to go check to see if they were ready. That feeling of finally having that print in my hand, touching the matte texture, and looking at each and every detail. You can not do that with a file on a computer. That feeling of holding and looking over a print can not be achieved on an electronic device.

That is where my expertise comes into play. From having top-notch handcrafted props, making a lot of my own props and designing perfectly coordinated organic setups, taking educational classes on safety, posing, and lighting, 8+ years of experience in handling the most precious thing in your life, and having 6 children of my own, I am here for you. I am here to give you an experience you will never forget. I want you to feel confident in having me handle your miracle. I want you to cherish the moments that will be captured, and I want you to have timeless images that will never go out of style.

What are you waiting for?!

Are you Ready to plan Your photo session?