Best Time to schedule maternity photos


Let’s talk about top pregnancy symptoms and how you know. Having six children of my own, I can tell you within a week of certain symptoms that are a giveaway that there is something special coming along. Here are some of the common signs. Now they do vary from person to person because we are all unique and different.

Pregnancy symptoms vary by stage, but some common early symptoms include:

Normally, the first sign is a Missed period. The second most common is nausea and vomiting. Normally referred as morning sickness.

The one I despise the most is fatigue. This is always the worse for me. Feeling like I can not do anything and being so tired.

These are the most common signs that I personally have experienced. I know that everyone is different, so you may have different signs. Whatever they are, know that you are not alone and more than likely they are normal. As always if you have something in question, contact your doctor and ask. They are there for you!

Now if you have one of these signs, do not freak out. I always freak out and have a mini panic attack. Take some time to let it sink in and think about things. After I have one of these signs I take a pregnancy test. Obviously if it is positive, then there is so much to celebrate and get ready for! If it is negative and you were hoping for a positive, you just need to take one day at a time and try again. I have been on both sides of the test. I understand the joy and excitement, but I also understand the let down and disappointment. Do not be afraid to talk about your feelings with your partner or close friend. Everything you feel is ok and you should not be embarrassed to talk about it. When you do get that positive test you were hoping for, make sure to reach out to a photographer to secure you maternity and newborn photoshoot. This moment only happens once, so make sure you capture it!
