
Have you ever wondered how you are going to go it? How in the world, are you going to take care of another little human? I know I had those thoughts. I also had those thoughts of having to take my own newborn baby pictures. Waiting to savor every moment and just wanting to cuddle that little babe and not go anywhere. I get it, I almost didn’t take my last little guys images. I was so tired and the thought of crawling around on the floor and holding poses while still recovering from just giving birth, well it was not appealing to me. But I knew, I knew that if I didn’t put forth the effort I did for my other kids, I would regret it. Our last baby came as a surprise. I have had all my other kids two weeks late. So I thought I would have time. I wanted to have everything set up and ready to go. I always set up the night before a session. It takes a lot of time and planning to make sure all the colors and details are just right.

I had my last newborn session the morning of the labor. I did the session and was staying up late to edit it. I started to get crampy but, figured I was dehydrated like it had happened before. Nope, this was it, this was the moment I had be anxiously been waiting for. The labor started and it took right off. I have always been blessed to have pretty quick labors and not too many issues. I have had all my babies, (6 of them), at home. I am obsessed with homebirths. There is something about the atmosphere that is so calming and feels right. Well, as right as it can feel. I know many people get doulas but, I have never had one. I know they can be really beneficial to help you during labor. Anyways, I am getting sidetracked. The point of my story is that labor is hard, emotional, and just flat out exhausting. I get it. That is why I take care of everything for you. All you have to do is show up with milk and a few diapers. But if you forget those, no worries, I have some at the studio. Check out my newborn page here.
