Finding the perfect obstetrics and gynecology in Columbus for your pregnancy journey is so important. I wanted to help any expecting mom to make the best decision for their pregnancy and birth. As you might already have read, I home birthed all 6 of my children in the comfort of my own home. I only had one emergency in which we were able to count on the hospital to help us and I am so blessed to have received the care when I needed it. There is a place and time for hospitals. I feel they are there for emergencies. Woman’s bodies are made to create a baby and birth it. I feel like we are losing that. That is why I can not stress enough to find the perfect care taker for you.

Do not be afraid to speak your mind and find someone who takes your individual cares in needs and respect them. You should find someone that listens to you and does not try to talk you out of what you belief. They work for you. They should be more than happy to accommodate your wishes. If they do not, there is someone out there for you I promise. Make sure you write all your wishes down and make sure the provider is open to your ideas and wants. I do not know how many times I have had a new mom come into a newborn session devastated that her birth did not go as planned. They felt pushed into things they did not originally want. It breaks my heart. So do your research and ask around to see if anyone has had experiences they can share with you.
Below you will find a list of Obstetrics and gynecology in Columbus Ohio. I will go in to more detail with each on in a bit. But for now this is what I found. All the ones listed have good reviews.

Columbus Ob/Gyn Taylor Station/Blacklick
Woman’s Physicians in OB/GYN Grandview
Northwest Obstetrics and Gynecologist
C.H.O.I.C.E-Center For Humane Options In Childbirth Experiences
Tree of Life- Family Birth Center
P.S. check out my maternity page, if you love these images or it is still on your list to do!!