
Taking newborn photos requires some preparation and patience to capture those precious moments. Here are some tips to help you with newborn photography:

  1. Timing is important: The ideal time to photograph newborns is within the first two weeks of their life when they are sleepier and easier to pose. During this time, they also retain their curled-up positions reminiscent of their time in the womb.
  2. Find good lighting: Natural light is best for newborn photography. Look for a room in your home with ample natural light, like a bedroom or living room. Position your baby near a window but avoid direct sunlight to prevent harsh shadows. Soft, diffused light is ideal for a gentle and flattering look.
  3. Keep the environment warm and cozy: Newborns are used to being in warm environments, so make sure the room is comfortably warm (around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit or 24-27 degrees Celsius). This helps keep them calm and sleepy, allowing for easier posing.
  4. Use props and blankets: Incorporate soft, neutral-colored blankets, wraps, and props to create a cozy and visually appealing setup. You can use a bean bag or a comfortable surface as a base and layer blankets or fabrics over it. You can also add cute accessories like hats, headbands, or baskets, but ensure they are safe and comfortable for the baby.
  5. Capture the details: Newborns have unique features that change quickly, so focus on capturing those tiny fingers, toes, lips, and eyelashes. Get close-up shots to highlight these details and create a sense of intimacy.
  6. Be patient and work around the baby’s schedule: Newborns have their own rhythm, and it’s important to work with it. Be patient and allow for breaks when they need to be fed, changed, or soothed. Take breaks for feeding or cuddling, as it helps keep the baby calm and content.
  7. Safety first: Always prioritize the safety and comfort of the baby. Have a spotter or an extra set of hands nearby to ensure the baby is secure during poses. Avoid any poses or props that could potentially harm the baby or make them uncomfortable.
  8. Capture candid moments: Some of the most beautiful newborn photos happen spontaneously. Don’t be afraid to capture candid moments of the baby yawning, stretching, or interacting with family members. These genuine moments can make for treasured memories.
  9. Remember, newborn photography requires sensitivity and care. If you’re unsure about certain poses or techniques, it’s best to consult a professional newborn photographer who can guide you through the process and ensure the safety of the baby. Check out my newborn page, here
